Getting OpenAI API Key

When you go to AiBud WP > Settings page you will see the 'Open AI API Key' section in the several AI API Key options.

To utilize OpenAI's language processing capabilities for developing more engaging and customized content, you need to have an OpenAI API Key.

How to get the OpenAI API Key

To get an OpenAI API Key, follow these steps:

  • First, go to the OpenAI website ( and login via your registered account if you are not logged in. But you should have an account if you do not have a registered account.

  • Once you have created an account and logged in, click on the "API Keys" section of the website.

  • Click the "Create new secret key" button and follow the prompts to generate a new API Key.

  • Upon clicking that button, the 'Create new secret key' window will appear to name your key. In the image above, there is just an example key name, you can name whatever you want. After naming your key, click the "Create secret key" button in this window.

  • After that step, you will see the 'Save your key' window, and a proposed key. Click the "Copy" button, then the "Done" button to close that window.

  • When you finish creating key steps in the Open AI page, you go to AiBud WP > Settings page, again. As we mentioned before, here, you will see the 'Open AI API Key' area. Paste your copied key from the previous step in that area where it says 'Enter API Key'.

  • After pasting the key in the specified area, you will click the "SAVE" button (below left).

Now, you can use this API Key to access OpenAI's language processing capabilities and develop more engaging and personalized content.

It's important to note that OpenAI charges for API usage based on the number of requests you make and the amount of data you process.

You can find more information about pricing on the OpenAI website.

Last updated